Short-sleeved shirt that pays tribute to the Hellas Verona FC football team. It belongs to the special "One City, One Club" line, a casual design that encapsulates the unique bond between the city and its team, reflecting the passion and commitment that unites fans. This garment is perfect for supporters who want to wear their passion for football on any occasion. Made of 100% cotton, a high-quality fabric that provides comfort, breathability, resistance, and durability. It includes details such as the round neckline and ribbed cuffs with jacquard, as well as an inner cover tape that ensures a flawless finish that prevents any skin irritation. Additionally, it features the printed Joma logo running along the sleeves, reinforcing its unique character. The design stands out for its tribute to Hellas Verona with a back printing and the embroidered crest on the front, along with a logo on a bottom label. With this shirt, club fans will have the opportunity to represent it in their daily lives with a combination of style and quality.
Krótki rękaw typu raglan
Okrągły dekolt ze ściągaczem
Lekka, oddychająca i miękka tkanina
Szczegółowe nadruki
Rodzaj dopasowania: regularny
100% Bawełna
Prac w pralce maksymalnie w 30 stopniach
Nie stosowac wybielacza
Nie suszyc w suszarce bebnowej
Prasowac w maksymalnej temperaturze 110 stopni
Nie czyscic chemicznie
Koszulka z krótkim rękawem Hellas Verona Hellas Verona FC 24/25
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