Five selections are going with Joma to the Women’s Handball World Championship 2023

Jugadoras de Joma en el Mundial de Balonmano Femenino 2023.

Five selections are going with Joma to the Women’s Handball World Championship 2023

Ukraine, Slovenia, Poland, Croatia, and Spain will be representing the brand at the Women’s Handball World Championship 2023.

The Women’s Handball World Championship 2023 kicks off! From November 29th to December 17th, the handball world event will be held in various venues spread across Norway, Sweden, and Denmark. There, Joma has a strong team formed by five national selections: Ukraine, Slovenia, Poland, Croatia, and the Spanish Las Guerreras. This presence will be noticeable throughout the championship and strengthens the brand’s commitment to promoting women’s sports, which is increasingly established.

During the Handball World Championship, 32 federations will compete for a spot in the Paris Olympic Games, reserved for the best-ranked team. Therefore, any of the #JomaTeam could be the lucky one. To start, eight groups will play the preliminary phase. Croatia is in Group A, Slovenia in Group D, Poland in Group F, and Spain and Ukraine in Group G, who will be the first to debut.

All of them will wear their respective uniforms in all matches, which elevates Joma’s handball product to the international forefront. Thanks to the excellent quality and the application of the latest market technology, the uniforms will help optimize the players’ performance, allowing them to be at the level of elite sports.